We started vaccinating for everything and then stopped due to health problems. I wish I were braver and smarter on the beginning and didn’t do it at all. Fortunately, we live in a state that allows religious exemptions and it has been relatively easy to obtain these both in private (non-catholic) and public schools. Finding a pediatricia…
We started vaccinating for everything and then stopped due to health problems. I wish I were braver and smarter on the beginning and didn’t do it at all. Fortunately, we live in a state that allows religious exemptions and it has been relatively easy to obtain these both in private (non-catholic) and public schools. Finding a pediatrician was more challenging, but I did find one (the only one in the area) that allows for parental choice. Unfortunately, pediatricians have a financial interest in getting a high percentage of children in their practice vaccinated (there are bonuses tied into it). There is a big incentive for everyone to dismiss any problems due to vaccination program. The specialists ask but do not give us any grief and don’t lecture us, I think everyone leaves the vaccine enforcement to pediatricians.
We started vaccinating for everything and then stopped due to health problems. I wish I were braver and smarter on the beginning and didn’t do it at all. Fortunately, we live in a state that allows religious exemptions and it has been relatively easy to obtain these both in private (non-catholic) and public schools. Finding a pediatrician was more challenging, but I did find one (the only one in the area) that allows for parental choice. Unfortunately, pediatricians have a financial interest in getting a high percentage of children in their practice vaccinated (there are bonuses tied into it). There is a big incentive for everyone to dismiss any problems due to vaccination program. The specialists ask but do not give us any grief and don’t lecture us, I think everyone leaves the vaccine enforcement to pediatricians.