Thank you for this article. Great read for Holy Week.

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Reason #511 why I subscribe. Excellent in depth perspective writing on current cultural topic.

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Now we need "pillar theater 3000", with JD and Ed doing commentary on movies...

can't wait to see the movie, hope it's well done!

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What a great, long piece! As usual...

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Thank you, Ms. La Rosa for this excellent depiction of the life of Fr Stuart Long, requiem in pace!

You’re article brings out many essential details of Fr Stu’s life and his total abandonment to God’s most perfect will for him as his physical health detiorated. As a fellow seminarian with him, however, there is an element of the real story that has been omitted: that element is the living hell that the seminary formators put Stuart through during his CPE (clinical professional evaluation) wherein he was labeled a homophobe and given an assignment of weekly ministry to a priest dying of AIDS.

As your article so clearly points out, Stu was a man’s man and had no sympathy for effeminacy or overt sexual depravity. However, he has delayed in the formation process by this grave ‘sickness‘ in the church that panders to homosexual proclivities, something that he himself simply loathed, having seen plenty of it during his years in and around Hollywood.

Fr Stuart Long did indeed suffer in a saintly manner, however the reality is that he suffered every bit as much from the abuse of authority within the church in this regard, as he suffered physically along Christ crucified on every altar and tabernacle in His mystical body. That is the true story that still needs to be told, so that this depravity can be driven from the temple, and the modernist assault on Christ’s eternal teachings can ultimately be eradicated with sound priestly formation from our diocesan seminaries.

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That is an interesting point, though weekly visits to a priest dying of AIDS would be a very good ministry for a seminarian like you describe. Priests must have sympathy with everyone, including sinners. I am sure that he learned much about forgiveness and sympathy from that clinical pastoral experience.

Missing from the article for anyone who does not know how to read between the lines is why the seminary would recommend not ordaining him due to his sickness or why a bishop would even take such an absurd suggestion seriously: Because of the financial burden that lifelong care for him would be. As a transitional deacon, the Church's commitment to his care would be exactly the same unless he asked to be laicized, which they may have then tried to pressure him to do. It appears to me to be a very crass financial decision. I am glad that the bishop heard the message of the Holy Spirit. It is clear that the Church benefited greatly from the ministry of this priest despite the cost of caring for him in his sickness, which of course is also part of the mission of the Church.

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nicely written. thank you.

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Oh my! I going to see the movie this evening and I’m so glad you printed this in the Pillar before seeing it. My son-in- law is in terrible health. He needs a kidney but things do not look good in that direction. I’m going to pray and ask Fr. Stu to pray for my son- in- law. We know it will take a miracle for him. His name is Rodney. Please pray for him.

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Thanks for a great article! Especially inspiring during Holy Week. I can't wait to see the movie. Stu will be added to my list of saints and holy people who I revere and ask often for their intercession on my behalf and my prayerful intensions to Almighty God!

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Thank you for another wonderful read!

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I went to see the movie. I do not recommend it. They spent much more time glorifying the sun in his life than what God did. The language was terrible. One F bomb after another. They left out important details. I was very disappointed. Rated 4 out of 10

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Excellent article. Thank you.

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Saw the movie yesterday. I wish I had had a box of tissues not just the 5 or so that I had put in my pocket for me and my wife. It was really moving. Thanks for filling in the backstory Michele which I think could make another movie all it's own. Great piece. Writing this was probably a joy as it unfolded with every interview.

GO SEE THE MOVIE! It only has a limited run.

BTW - SPOILER ALERT: The woman who plays Stu's mother is NOT Sally Struthers!!!!!

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I read this witness/story before going to see the movie, Father Stu. Both were inspiring in their own way.

I'm not an emotional person, but the movie did move me to tears when, in the movie, they informed Stu that he would become a Priest.

God surely works in mysterious ways and we cannot always understand how the Holy Spirit works through and with us in times of strife, uncertainty, struggle, and most of all suffering. But, I thank The Pillar for this powerful story about one of God's Shepherds, Father Stuart Long, who touched so many lives.

May it bring ever more glory to the God in Heaven who loves us beyond all comprehension and wants US to join him in life everlasting through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Deo Gratias

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I saw Fr Stu yesterday. It was different to what I expected but I came away uplifted. The couple of moments of teaching Fr Stu's character gave towards the end were profound. I recommend it.

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Finally saw the film, on Netflix while in Ireland—so very far from Big Sky Country. All the criticism over vulgar language is what kept me from it until 2+ years after release. I detest foul language.

None of the language is gratuitous, I assert critically! It is integral to the character development and context within the film. Bravi!

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