Maybe they should have a synodal paper to elect Batzing pope and get the schism

over and done with? 🙄

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At what point will the Holy Father start removing German bishops from office? You have a bishop in Puerto Rico who gets removed without any official explanation seemingly because he doesn't play well in the sandbox with others and because of his views on COVID. In Germany you have bishops threatening a real life schism and Francis responds with a sternly worded letter....

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Oh how quaint, someone who doesn’t realise that Francis only punishes Catholic bishops, not heretical ones.

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Maybe that’s true, but I don’t think the Germans will know what hit them if they actually dip their toe in the proverbial rubicon as they’re creeping up to it. Especially as the warning has already been given. Spankings come next.

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When Cardinal Kasper is now the voice of ecclesiastical restraint, you know that the German Synod is essentially a runaway train.

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maybe one of these Germans can succeed Pope Michael from Kansas?

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What can you go wrong when the entire synodal process starts with throwing out the entire history of Church teaching? Oh, yeah, this. Almost as if it could have been foreseen that synods not anchored by Magisterial teaching will inevitably float off into the abyss.

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Respectfully Father,the purpose of the synod was to have us walk together and to have civil and Christian dialog. That would presuppose an open mind and room for the Holy Spirit to be present. Your comments solidify my belief that there was no preparation for this among the clergy or they just decided not to participate. If the latter is true hope they have informed the Spirit.

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Sorry, but that's not what synods are about if they are truly to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Having participated in local synodal processes, I've heard comments similar to yours. The fact that Church teaching is seen as an imposition to the Holy Spirit's presence is a false understanding of both Church teaching and what synods are about. The synodal process must operate within the Holy Spirit-inspired Church teaching for the Holy Spirit to truly be present. Your comments show more openness to the false (and dare I say demonic) spirit of the world than the Holy Spirit.

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Respectfully, I truly wonder if you read the Vademecum issued by the USSCB. It clearly states what the synod was supposed to be about and suggestions for its implementation. That is what I followed and participated in several not only in this country but elsewhere. So have we all been misinformed? If so I suggest the clergy get on the same page Father. We were all baptized priest,prophet and king. I know of no sessions where the Spirit inspired church teachings were in any way challenged. Demonic? Harsh would you not say? Is this how Jesus would have responded?

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By keeping the Synod permanent, we get to continuously talk amongst ourselves without ever having to go out to the world and talk to others about Jesus Christ.

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While I (obviously) do not have the authority to formally state so, is this not a schismatic declaration by the German Church?

By "promising" to implement whatever the Synod decides, they would clearly be preferring to follow another body of authority, rather than Rome. That would be a formal schism, no?

The dichotomy in the modern Church is absurd. A main priority at present is to persecute Catholics who prefer to attend the ancient form of Mass - the Mass with elements which would be recognised by the Apostles themselves.

Both surveys and basic cognisance indicate that such Catholics are among those most faithful to the teachings of the Church. And - like other 'good' Catholics - are generally an asset in terms of the time and effort they will invest in their faith and for the good of the Church, the size of their donations and their families etc.

Yet, such 'deplorables' are to be exiled from parishes, have Masses taken away, given fewer and more awkward Mass times (3.23am, every second Sunday and only when its raining heavily), and generally treated like dirt. See how the ICKSP are treated by Cardinal Cupich in Chicago, for example. Like dirt.

At the same time, we have this circus in Germany, with Rome only faintly mewing in the background.

Who could take seriously the suggestion that the Church's attention and efforts are in the right places, in terms of it's governance? Clearly the exact opposite situation prevails.

One cannot help but notice how the apparent attack on doctrine and authority in Germany and the overt, universal attack on the Latin Mass, seem very much harmonious together. Indeed, such an occasion has occurred before and historians call it "The Reformation" (just saying).

That Cardinal Kasper is leading the resistance to this is satire at its best. This is the, ahem, 'thinker' who bought into such terms as "differentiated consensus" - that is, when two parties with opposite views *pretend* that they are actually in agreement (this is the ground on which ecumenism is built).

If even he is alarmed, what could be a more grave indicator of the situation?

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I guess the Holy Father was wrong when he said Germany doesn’t need another evangelical Church.

The people behind the German Synod and those who follow them have already left the Church in their minds and hearts.

They want an already programmed. “do whatever you want, Jesus loves you”, “let’s stop talking about sin kind of ecclesial assembly.

A Declaration of Schism, personal interdict and excommunication from Rome would just be a formality.

They should join up with the true Old Catholic Churches based in Utrecht. They had valid Orders until they started ordaining women.

St. Boniface and Bl. Clemens Von Galen,

oray to God for Germany and all of us!

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