As a military veteran, you have to leave open the possibility that the shooting in Buffalo was a "false flag" operation. This means that he is part of an organized movement to create turmoil and confusion by pitting one race against another. He had a map of the grocery with detailed information. ----He had either been there before or was in league with someone else. I just ask that everyone keep an open mind. The left is devious. The brazen "stealing of an election" out in front of God and everyone opens the door to all types of brazen chicanery to achieve their ends.
JD's comment about "the right gun policies" is also of concern to me. There is never reporting on how a "good guy with a gun" has averted a tragedy. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
That can be true depending on where you live. I live outside of the city limits so the county police would come and it depends on where they are at the time.
Yes - although I think he was more of a “useful (mentally ill/possessed) idiot” for their cause. He was on so many radars it’s not fathomable that this wasn’t preventable.
I submit that the historical contrast should be between Arians and Catholics. There are many today who go by the title "christian" yet deny to some extent the divinity of Christ. It was similar in 4th-5th century Europe.
We attend a parish with about 600 families. There have been issues in the diocese where a person has walked up to the altar during mass at our cathedral. After that happened our parish has set up a security and safety ministry. It was set up for all kinds of contingencies whether they are medical, fire or some other issue like what happened in California on Sunday.
No, we don’t need more laws. We need laws on the booked followed by the authorities. NY already has a “red flag” law. This guy already made a threat in high school and was sent to a psych evaluation. The authorities failed to go through the process that would have forbade him from buying the gun that was used in the awful murders. Most of the mass murders in this country would have been avoided if more authorities actually did their job, but once again we have failure by those that could have done something to prevent this.
Given the failure of our civic culture to promote the dignity of all human life, is it so surprising that more and more people show so little respect for life?
Concerning the 18 yr old teenager who murdered the people in Buffalo I think his deeper problem was mental illness not racism. It bothers me that all the news channels keep stressing this as a hate crime or terrorism but no one has mentioned mental illness. His plan was to kill and then commit suicide. That’s mental illness
I'm asking as a non American here... what's the possibility of the 2nd Amendment being revoked as a failure in modern times? Considering it was ratified to give citizens the means to defend against a tyrannical federal government and 230 years of consequent experience has shown that there's no situation where ALL of the citizens stand against ALL of the government, is it not a dead letter being protected at the expense of horrific collateral damage?
It is extremely unlikely. Adding an amendment to the Constitution (which is what would have to happen to get rid of the 2nd Amendment, just like how the 21st got rid of the 18th) is a pain, and removing an amendment which was part of the original Bill of Rights is unprecedented. It would result in major political backlash. Also, the 2nd Amendment does not have the words "all" in it in regards to civilians against the government, I would say your interpretation of it is unnecessarily strict and not correct.
Also, the amendment process would require a 2/3 supermajority of both houses of Congress, followed by ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures. These days, it’s hard enough to get more than half of the country to agree on anything, so I’m skeptical if the amendment or an Article V convention could get enough votes.
With all due respect, your reflection on the Buffalo shooter is naive and unhelpful. The shooter was demonically processed and/or plagues by severe “mental health” issues. His manifesto appears to be largely incoherent “demonic” at least in the sense that it is very confused. We will always have people like him with us, especially in this degenerate society in which we live. Yes, pray for people like him, however, don’t expect these people to be “prayed away,” as you note. The real issue is this guy was on the local police’s radar, the FBIs radar, his school’s radar, etc., yet this was not prevented. The MSM is making this a big story because it is white on black racism. Why wasn’t the Wisconsin massacre or recent NYC subway shooting given the same attention? Because it doesn’t fit the regimes narrative. Catholics and Christians need to be ready to defend their families and churches against the coming “lone wolf” shootings like this and the tacitly state sanctioned violence that is already taking place (eg SCOTUS home protests, Catholic Church attacks, etc). Conversion is part of but not the whole answer here - there are actors here that are very hostile to the Church and America. They are perfectly aware abortion is the killing of children, and love it; they are perfectly aware they are destroying society as we know/knew it, and they relish in it. “Good gun policy” is exactly what they want - more and more good gun policy until no one can own a gun to defend themselves against a totalitarian State. We’re not doing battle against some vague societal malaise, but are contending with principalities and powers who rule over this present darkness. Don’t fall for their lies, wake up and stand up tall as an adopted son of God.
As a military veteran, you have to leave open the possibility that the shooting in Buffalo was a "false flag" operation. This means that he is part of an organized movement to create turmoil and confusion by pitting one race against another. He had a map of the grocery with detailed information. ----He had either been there before or was in league with someone else. I just ask that everyone keep an open mind. The left is devious. The brazen "stealing of an election" out in front of God and everyone opens the door to all types of brazen chicanery to achieve their ends.
JD's comment about "the right gun policies" is also of concern to me. There is never reporting on how a "good guy with a gun" has averted a tragedy. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
That can be true depending on where you live. I live outside of the city limits so the county police would come and it depends on where they are at the time.
He had already mapped out the store in March.
Yes - although I think he was more of a “useful (mentally ill/possessed) idiot” for their cause. He was on so many radars it’s not fathomable that this wasn’t preventable.
I submit that the historical contrast should be between Arians and Catholics. There are many today who go by the title "christian" yet deny to some extent the divinity of Christ. It was similar in 4th-5th century Europe.
We attend a parish with about 600 families. There have been issues in the diocese where a person has walked up to the altar during mass at our cathedral. After that happened our parish has set up a security and safety ministry. It was set up for all kinds of contingencies whether they are medical, fire or some other issue like what happened in California on Sunday.
Were the guys on the iceberg okay????
Thanks for a really thoughtful reflection on the shooting in Buffalo- the best I’ve read so far.
No, we don’t need more laws. We need laws on the booked followed by the authorities. NY already has a “red flag” law. This guy already made a threat in high school and was sent to a psych evaluation. The authorities failed to go through the process that would have forbade him from buying the gun that was used in the awful murders. Most of the mass murders in this country would have been avoided if more authorities actually did their job, but once again we have failure by those that could have done something to prevent this.
Given the failure of our civic culture to promote the dignity of all human life, is it so surprising that more and more people show so little respect for life?
I wonder why the media did not report on the shooting in Laguna Woods, California
Could it be that because it was not against blacks
Unfortunately MSM will report the slant they want to promote. It’s sad but true.
Concerning the 18 yr old teenager who murdered the people in Buffalo I think his deeper problem was mental illness not racism. It bothers me that all the news channels keep stressing this as a hate crime or terrorism but no one has mentioned mental illness. His plan was to kill and then commit suicide. That’s mental illness
I'm asking as a non American here... what's the possibility of the 2nd Amendment being revoked as a failure in modern times? Considering it was ratified to give citizens the means to defend against a tyrannical federal government and 230 years of consequent experience has shown that there's no situation where ALL of the citizens stand against ALL of the government, is it not a dead letter being protected at the expense of horrific collateral damage?
It is extremely unlikely. Adding an amendment to the Constitution (which is what would have to happen to get rid of the 2nd Amendment, just like how the 21st got rid of the 18th) is a pain, and removing an amendment which was part of the original Bill of Rights is unprecedented. It would result in major political backlash. Also, the 2nd Amendment does not have the words "all" in it in regards to civilians against the government, I would say your interpretation of it is unnecessarily strict and not correct.
Also, the amendment process would require a 2/3 supermajority of both houses of Congress, followed by ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures. These days, it’s hard enough to get more than half of the country to agree on anything, so I’m skeptical if the amendment or an Article V convention could get enough votes.
With all due respect, your reflection on the Buffalo shooter is naive and unhelpful. The shooter was demonically processed and/or plagues by severe “mental health” issues. His manifesto appears to be largely incoherent “demonic” at least in the sense that it is very confused. We will always have people like him with us, especially in this degenerate society in which we live. Yes, pray for people like him, however, don’t expect these people to be “prayed away,” as you note. The real issue is this guy was on the local police’s radar, the FBIs radar, his school’s radar, etc., yet this was not prevented. The MSM is making this a big story because it is white on black racism. Why wasn’t the Wisconsin massacre or recent NYC subway shooting given the same attention? Because it doesn’t fit the regimes narrative. Catholics and Christians need to be ready to defend their families and churches against the coming “lone wolf” shootings like this and the tacitly state sanctioned violence that is already taking place (eg SCOTUS home protests, Catholic Church attacks, etc). Conversion is part of but not the whole answer here - there are actors here that are very hostile to the Church and America. They are perfectly aware abortion is the killing of children, and love it; they are perfectly aware they are destroying society as we know/knew it, and they relish in it. “Good gun policy” is exactly what they want - more and more good gun policy until no one can own a gun to defend themselves against a totalitarian State. We’re not doing battle against some vague societal malaise, but are contending with principalities and powers who rule over this present darkness. Don’t fall for their lies, wake up and stand up tall as an adopted son of God.
Thanks. There’s a relationship between conversion, evangelization, and spiritual warfare.
Check out this interactive iceberg flipping program: