Interesting. This seems in the end a strong affirmation and even extension of Rey's basic direction and approach--even giving him the kind of successor he would like. But I guess in theory addressing concerns of unprepared priests and undisciplined/potentially abusive religious communities (both longstanding Francis problems) with someone Rome trusts more administratively.
Interesting. This seems in the end a strong affirmation and even extension of Rey's basic direction and approach--even giving him the kind of successor he would like. But I guess in theory addressing concerns of unprepared priests and undisciplined/potentially abusive religious communities (both longstanding Francis problems) with someone Rome trusts more administratively.
I really appreciate how charitably they speak of each other. They did not give in to discouragement. How beautifully phrased.
This is happy news!
I have a feeling in 10-20 years there's going to be some wild stories to tell about this entire process.