I guess a new Pope or Bishops in charge or whomever can someday say, “oh, shucks, this document is invalid,” right? Like that committee about birth control before St Paul VI promulgated “Humanae Vitae”.
In the end, as a woman, it is a wonder to me that it’s thought that women don’t have power/ don’t have a say in the church. The real powe…
I guess a new Pope or Bishops in charge or whomever can someday say, “oh, shucks, this document is invalid,” right? Like that committee about birth control before St Paul VI promulgated “Humanae Vitae”.
In the end, as a woman, it is a wonder to me that it’s thought that women don’t have power/ don’t have a say in the church. The real power as a woman is relational it seems to me. All sorts of women have influenced the church, seen and unseen. The closer we follow Mother Mary and say, “do whatever He tells you,” … that’s power!! That’s biological and spiritual motherhood. That’s the power crux.
I guess a new Pope or Bishops in charge or whomever can someday say, “oh, shucks, this document is invalid,” right? Like that committee about birth control before St Paul VI promulgated “Humanae Vitae”.
In the end, as a woman, it is a wonder to me that it’s thought that women don’t have power/ don’t have a say in the church. The real power as a woman is relational it seems to me. All sorts of women have influenced the church, seen and unseen. The closer we follow Mother Mary and say, “do whatever He tells you,” … that’s power!! That’s biological and spiritual motherhood. That’s the power crux.