"But while the Vatican’s meeting is formally a “synod of bishops,” the approval process will not tally which votes came from bishops, and which came from priests, religious, and other lay participants. "
It seems to me that this is a way for Bishops to shirk responsibility.
The duty to govern the Church has been given to them, as well as t…
"But while the Vatican’s meeting is formally a “synod of bishops,” the approval process will not tally which votes came from bishops, and which came from priests, religious, and other lay participants. "
It seems to me that this is a way for Bishops to shirk responsibility.
The duty to govern the Church has been given to them, as well as the authority necessary to carry out that duty. This responsibility and authority was not given to the "community of the baptized." Much less when the "People of God" really means a bunch of secular pressure groups who are trying to instrumentalize the Church for their stupid political factions.
The true "People of God" are the people who are or should be served by and instructed by this authority, not to bear the responsibilities of Bishops themselves.
"But while the Vatican’s meeting is formally a “synod of bishops,” the approval process will not tally which votes came from bishops, and which came from priests, religious, and other lay participants. "
It seems to me that this is a way for Bishops to shirk responsibility.
The duty to govern the Church has been given to them, as well as the authority necessary to carry out that duty. This responsibility and authority was not given to the "community of the baptized." Much less when the "People of God" really means a bunch of secular pressure groups who are trying to instrumentalize the Church for their stupid political factions.
The true "People of God" are the people who are or should be served by and instructed by this authority, not to bear the responsibilities of Bishops themselves.