That, AND this assembly is at best "representative" of 1-2% even of the living baptized who are at all engaged with a parish. Its claims to universality are farcical.
That, AND this assembly is at best "representative" of 1-2% even of the living baptized who are at all engaged with a parish. Its claims to universality are farcical.
Truly. I complained about the Novus Ordo no longer being in standard English and asked that it be retranslated into English instead of Latglish. Not another word was ever heard on the subject.
That, AND this assembly is at best "representative" of 1-2% even of the living baptized who are at all engaged with a parish. Its claims to universality are farcical.
Truly. I complained about the Novus Ordo no longer being in standard English and asked that it be retranslated into English instead of Latglish. Not another word was ever heard on the subject.