Can you point me to a Church teaching that a politician can openly support divorce, adultery, masturbation, union busting, or blasphemy and not be in grave sin?
Can you point me to a Church teaching that a politician can openly support divorce, adultery, masturbation, union busting, or blasphemy and not be in grave sin?
Any politician who commits those acts - divorce, adultery, masturbation or has an abortion -- would be in grave sin, as would any person not in public life.
Can you point me to a Church teaching that a politician can openly support divorce, adultery, masturbation, union busting, or blasphemy and not be in grave sin?
Any Catholic politician who does any of that without true repentance would be in grave sin and should not receive Holy Communion.
And nice deflection, by the way. I’ve never claimed a Catholic politician who is in grave sin is “coherent to the Blessed Sacrament”. You did that.
Any politician who commits those acts - divorce, adultery, masturbation or has an abortion -- would be in grave sin, as would any person not in public life.