Cardinal McElroy called the bishops’ “preeminent” line about abortion “at least discordant” with the pope's teachings, stating “It is not Catholic that abortion is the preeminent issue that we face as a world in Catholic social teaching. It is not,”
The Cardinal is correct about Pope Francis' teachings; Pope Francis is wrong. This is clea…
Cardinal McElroy called the bishops’ “preeminent” line about abortion “at least discordant” with the pope's teachings, stating “It is not Catholic that abortion is the preeminent issue that we face as a world in Catholic social teaching. It is not,”
The Cardinal is correct about Pope Francis' teachings; Pope Francis is wrong. This is clearly the most preeminent issue facing Mother Church in the United States today. I would be willing to bet that the Holy Father would personally give the Eucharist to President Biden without a moment's hesitation. I'm certain that Cardinal Gregory would.
The President has already received from the Holy Father and from Cardinal Gregory and from pretty much some bishop, priest or Eucharistic minister every week of his life.
It is not a scandal now, unless one believes in Eucharistic coherence and sacramental discipline. However, those stale notions were tossed out with the Second Vatican Council.
Can you point me to Church teaching that says a politician can openly support abortion and not be in grave sin? Taking Holy Communion while in grave sin is not “coherent devotion to the Blessed Sacrament”.
Can you point me to a Church teaching that a politician can openly support divorce, adultery, masturbation, union busting, or blasphemy and not be in grave sin?
Any politician who commits those acts - divorce, adultery, masturbation or has an abortion -- would be in grave sin, as would any person not in public life.
So, what exactly do you mean by a "coherent devotion" to the Blessed Sacrament, Kurt? I can have a coherent devotion to the Eucharist and *still* be in a state of unworthiness to receive the sacrament - these two are not mutually exclusive. President Biden is unambiguously forbidden from receiving the Blessed Sacrament for being in an obstinate and persistent state of grave error in violation of explicit teachings. The scandal is created by the bishop offering Biden the Holy Eucharist, the sin is Biden accepting the Eucharist.
The President receives the Holy Eucharist regularly as he well should and as his spiritual superiors recommend to him. He is man of deep faith despite the baseless accusations of others.
Hang on, these are not "baseless accusations", Kurt. These are simply observations which even the President does not deny. Yes, I agree that the President should receive the Holy Eucharist, but *only* after making a perfect confession with a firm purpose of amendment, and - so far - he persists in obstinate denial of Rome's explicit directions for reception of the Eucharist. The scandal is created by the bishops who refuse to enforce this unambiguous sanction.
Your assertions are not accepted by the President nor the legitimate leaders of the Catholic Church. The President has affirmed he accepts the Church's teaching on the immorality of abortion. Popes Benedict and Francis have given him communion as has his bishop. You have a personal point of views that is particular to you.
No, these are not my assertions, Kurt. The Catechism is unambiguous on this point; now you either accept the legitimacy of the Catechism, or you don't. It sounds like you don't.
The Lord promises that you can know whether a tree is good or bad based on whether the fruit is good or bad. It seems that Biden's ardent support of abortion rights (the mass murder of innocent lives) counts as a bad fruit.
So I don't really understand why your are so sure of his deep faith. I'd be glad to provide sources so that my comment isn't lobbed into those "baseless accusations."
"The Lord promises that you can know whether a tree is good or bad based on whether the fruit is good or bad."
Ahhh. Yes, let's look at the fruit. 20% decline in the number of abortions due to Obamacare. So far, no reduction in the number of abortions due to Dobbs. Look at the fruit.
Cardinal McElroy called the bishops’ “preeminent” line about abortion “at least discordant” with the pope's teachings, stating “It is not Catholic that abortion is the preeminent issue that we face as a world in Catholic social teaching. It is not,”
The Cardinal is correct about Pope Francis' teachings; Pope Francis is wrong. This is clearly the most preeminent issue facing Mother Church in the United States today. I would be willing to bet that the Holy Father would personally give the Eucharist to President Biden without a moment's hesitation. I'm certain that Cardinal Gregory would.
I hope that the sense of the faithful, divided as it is in some people's minds, prevails as it did in history beginning with the Arian heresy.
The President has already received from the Holy Father and from Cardinal Gregory and from pretty much some bishop, priest or Eucharistic minister every week of his life.
Yep, and that wasn't a scandal before Joe Biden took the oath of office as President of the United States.
Nor is it a scandal now.
It is not a scandal now, unless one believes in Eucharistic coherence and sacramental discipline. However, those stale notions were tossed out with the Second Vatican Council.
The President has a fine and coherent devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
Can you point me to Church teaching that says a politician can openly support abortion and not be in grave sin? Taking Holy Communion while in grave sin is not “coherent devotion to the Blessed Sacrament”.
Can you point me to a Church teaching that a politician can openly support divorce, adultery, masturbation, union busting, or blasphemy and not be in grave sin?
Any Catholic politician who does any of that without true repentance would be in grave sin and should not receive Holy Communion.
And nice deflection, by the way. I’ve never claimed a Catholic politician who is in grave sin is “coherent to the Blessed Sacrament”. You did that.
Any politician who commits those acts - divorce, adultery, masturbation or has an abortion -- would be in grave sin, as would any person not in public life.
So, what exactly do you mean by a "coherent devotion" to the Blessed Sacrament, Kurt? I can have a coherent devotion to the Eucharist and *still* be in a state of unworthiness to receive the sacrament - these two are not mutually exclusive. President Biden is unambiguously forbidden from receiving the Blessed Sacrament for being in an obstinate and persistent state of grave error in violation of explicit teachings. The scandal is created by the bishop offering Biden the Holy Eucharist, the sin is Biden accepting the Eucharist.
The President receives the Holy Eucharist regularly as he well should and as his spiritual superiors recommend to him. He is man of deep faith despite the baseless accusations of others.
Hang on, these are not "baseless accusations", Kurt. These are simply observations which even the President does not deny. Yes, I agree that the President should receive the Holy Eucharist, but *only* after making a perfect confession with a firm purpose of amendment, and - so far - he persists in obstinate denial of Rome's explicit directions for reception of the Eucharist. The scandal is created by the bishops who refuse to enforce this unambiguous sanction.
Your assertions are not accepted by the President nor the legitimate leaders of the Catholic Church. The President has affirmed he accepts the Church's teaching on the immorality of abortion. Popes Benedict and Francis have given him communion as has his bishop. You have a personal point of views that is particular to you.
No, these are not my assertions, Kurt. The Catechism is unambiguous on this point; now you either accept the legitimacy of the Catechism, or you don't. It sounds like you don't.
The Lord promises that you can know whether a tree is good or bad based on whether the fruit is good or bad. It seems that Biden's ardent support of abortion rights (the mass murder of innocent lives) counts as a bad fruit.
So I don't really understand why your are so sure of his deep faith. I'd be glad to provide sources so that my comment isn't lobbed into those "baseless accusations."
"The Lord promises that you can know whether a tree is good or bad based on whether the fruit is good or bad."
Ahhh. Yes, let's look at the fruit. 20% decline in the number of abortions due to Obamacare. So far, no reduction in the number of abortions due to Dobbs. Look at the fruit.